呢的读音 | ne、ní | 呢的部首 | 口 |
呢的笔画 | 8 | 呢笔顺编码 | 25151335 |
呢的结构 | 左右结构 | 呢的五笔 | knxn |
呢的统一码 | 基本区 U+5462 | 呢字的五行 | 木 |
呢的近义词 | 暂无 | 呢的反义词 | 暂无 |
呢的仓颉编码 | rsp | 呢的四角编码 | 67012 |
呢的繁体 | 呢 | 呢的注音 | ㄋㄧˊ、˙ㄋㄜ |
呢字的郑码 | jxrr | 呢的异形字 |
◎ 呢 ne
(1) 用在疑问句末,表示疑问 [used in asking questions for purposes of emphasis]。如:你怎么知道呢?
(2) 用在反问句末,加强反问 [used at the end of an interrogative sentence]。如:这件事谁不知道呢?
(3) 用在陈述句末,表示对事实的确认或强调 [used at the end of a declarative sentence to conform a fact]。如:他们都要求比赛呢
(4) 用在陈述句末,表示动作或情况正在继续 [used at the end of a declarative sentence,indicating the notion that an action or situation is in progress]。如:他学习呢
(5) 用在句中表示停顿 [used to indicate a pause]。如:现在呢,跟过去大不同了
(6) 另见 ní
◎ 呢 ní
(1) 人们的悄声细语 [whispering]
(2) 又如:呢呢(絮絮不休貌)
(3) 燕子鸣声 [twittering]
(4) 一种较厚较密的毛织品 [woolen cloth]。如:花呢;马裤呢;呢羽(泛指毛织品与丝织品)
(5) 另见 ne
1、interrogative or emphatic final; (Cant.) this
2、particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?"); particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?"); woolen material; (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action; particle indicating strong affirmation; particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")
Modalpartikel ,und (allgemein) ,Partikel am Ende einer rhetorischen oder Alternativ Frage
(particule finale pour réitérer une question antérieure)?,(particule finale indiquant une affirmation)?,ce ou cet (cantonais)?,lainage